ONLINE Registration and payment available until April 19.
After April 19, Must Register On-Site - NO GUARANTEE OF MEALS
Download: Event Registration Form | Exhibitor/Presenter Form
Description of Sessions LINK

2019 State Health and Physical Education Conference
“Making Health Connections”
April 26, 2019 (Friday)
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Registration Begins at 7:30 AM
Manoa Valley District Park – 2721 Kaaipu Ave, Honolulu, HI
Keynote Speaker: Brian Devore
Brian is an OPEN National Trainer, retired PE Teacher/Administrator in Atlanta, GA and one of few to be named state Physical Education Teacher of the Year at the elementary and middle school levels and 2014 SHAPE America Southern District Elementary PE TOY. Brian’s active and hands on learning approach for teachers has been a favorite part of his sessions. In addition to fast paced and all-inclusive lead up games, he incorporates standards, learning outcomes, and assessments into his presentations. His methods for delivering instruction make Brian’s sessions easily adaptable for K-12 teachers!
Keynote presentation:“Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education & Health”
Brian’s Breakout sessions include: “Fast Fitness First” and “High Tech, Low Tech, YOUR Tech”
Special sessions will be presented by the Department of Health Tobacco Team. More details to come. (Note: potential funds available to those attending their sessions.)
Exhibitors will include POLAR Inc., US Games and more. Door prizes donated by exhibitors will be given away at the end of the conference.
Reminders: bring your own water container and dress for activity. Be prepared to network, be fully engaged and have fun.
Session Descriptions LINK
Additional Information
For Mail-in registration, postmark by April 12 for PRE-REG. Check made out to:
HAHPERD 2019 State Conference
2720 Kamanaiki Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
Attention: Bobbie Perry
General Info:
Yvette Ikari (
Shelley Fey (; 808-944-5868
Bobbie Perry (; 808-842-8697
Preston Pires (