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  • Check Out the NEW Let's Move! Active Schools PSA with Serena Williams, Colin Kaepernick, Ashton Eaton and more!

Check Out the NEW Let's Move! Active Schools PSA with Serena Williams, Colin Kaepernick, Ashton Eaton and more!

September 11, 2013 9:36 AM | Deleted user

Check Out the NEW Let's Move! Active Schools PSA featuring Colin Kaepernick, Serena Williams, Ashton Eaton, and more celebrity athletes. 

Studies show that Active Kids Do Better, in school and in life. But our kids are moving less and less -- only 1 in 3 kids is active every day. It's time to get our kids moving again.

Let's Move! Active Schools is a comprehensive program that empowers P.E. teachers, classroom teachers, principals, administrators, and parents to create active environments that enable all students to get moving and reach their full potential. In this video, athletes discuss the importance of Active Schools and issue a call to action to make your school an Active School today!

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