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Letter from the President

September 03, 2013 11:19 AM | Deleted user

“For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.”  –John F. Kennedy


Aloha HAHPERD members and friends,


            I hope all of you have had a rejuvenating summer and are excited for the new school year at hand.  As a PE teacher, coach, and father, I know we, as health and fitness leaders, often relish opportunities to face new challenges.  We often enjoy facing the unknown and seeing the culmination of our efforts.

Don’t we expect the same of our children, students, and athletes?  We constantly challenge them to think about their future and to embrace opportunities, both in school and out.  We challenge them to change, to go beyond what they think is possible, to take a chance to see what they’re made of.  Well, today I’d like to take the time to challenge you as a professional, in much the same way you challenge the young people entrusted to your care. 

We are currently at a crucial time in our health and physical activity profession.  The research and information is out there for all to see.  We know we are headed for a health crisis both in our nation and around the world.  We know that physical activity stimulates the brain and that active students learn better.  We know that regular physical activity and a healthy diet is linked with living a longer and happier life.  We know we have tremendous support in the White House and beyond with the Let’s Move Active Schools (LMIS) and Designed to Move initiatives, among many others.  So now is the time to act, while the iron is hot!

This school year I challenge you as health and physical activity leaders to make an impact beyond your gym walls, classroom doors and school fences.  I challenge you to sign up your school online as a LMIS school.  Use the online resources to improve your school and join other schools across the nation in saying that physical activity and health is an important part of our schools.  Attend a HAHPERD workshop and/or conference even if it means giving up a precious Saturday.  Volunteer at a HAHPERD sponsored event or attend one of our monthly meetings.  Write a letter to a politician advocating for PE and health in schools.  Go out and become an advocate for health and physical activity in your school by organizing activities before school, at recess, and/or after school.  Visit the HAHPERD website often to stay connected to what’s new and upcoming. 

A wise proverb goes that the best time to fix your roof is when the sun is out.  Let’s not wait until it’s too late to save PE and health in schools.  Remember that the iron is hot and now is the time to go out and make a difference in our local PE and health community.  I thank you for all you do each day to help make Hawaii’s keiki both healthy and happy and I wish you all the best this coming school year!


                                                                       Jonathan Hermosura

                                                                        Sincerely yoursJonathan Hermosura

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